01. Goi, Rode, Goi!
02. Tropoiu Nevedannoi [On the Unknown Trail]
03. Nevidal [The Wonder]
04. Na Moey Zemle [In My Land]
05. Pritcha [The Parable]
06. V Tsepiakh Drevney Tainy [In Chains of Ancient Mystery]
07. Yarilo
08. Liki Bessmertnykh Bogov [Faces of Immortal Gods]
09. Kolo Navi [Kolo of Nav]
10. Korochun
11. Pamiat [The Memory]
12. Kupalets
13. Arkona
14. Nebo Hmuroe, Tuchi Mrachniye [Sullen Sky Lurid Clouds]
Hier der Trailer:
Quelle: Blabbermouth
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